The Gift Of Blue
When all was ready they would suddenly hear Moshe shout, “Arise O יהוה, that your enemies may scatter!, ... that those who hate you may flee from before you!”, (8). The Aron, the only holy article displayed with colour, a brilliant sky blue colour, was brought forth to lead all of Israel to their new resting place. The vibrant blue, as it was carried through their camp, was the only form of the Aron they were permitted to see. It was unforgettable. This was the place of their covenant, their Torah, and the place of the cherubim, from upon where יהוה would speak to Moshe, (9). As the Aron passed at a distance, the sisioth upon each of them matched to the blue of the covered Aron. A blue for remembering, connecting the people of יהוה, to Him, forever.
by Azriel Kowtek
1. B'mid'bar/Num. 9:17
3. B'mid'bar/Num. 4:15, 17-20
4. Shemot/Ex. 26:31-33, 40:21
5. B'mid'bar/Num. 4:4-15
6. B'mid'bar/Num. 10:13-28
7. B'mid'bar/Num. 10:17, 21
8. B'mid'bar/Num. 10:33-36
9. Shemot/Ex. 25:22